Jody Deller ~ President
As of this writing, early voting is going on, election day is next Tuesday. By the time you receive this the runoff will be over and newly elected officials will be known. Tax Day Tea Parties will have been held on April 15th letting this administration know that the people are not happy with the policies being pursued.
Our next meeting will be an organizational meeting for the rest of the year with event planning, program planning and an overall view of our plans for the November Election. These next few months will be a busy time, making sure we get the conservative word out. We are after all, here to encourage and preserve good conservative government. We all believe in less government, lower taxes and preserving the constitution, which is under attack by the liberals of this country. Patriotism and a belief that this is the greatest country in the world will be ours by words for the next year and beyond. Come to the meeting ready to present any ideas you might have to help us get the word out, we have a lot of work to do.
Joyce Lewis ~ VP, Legislation
More information about the recent Health Care Reform Legislation has been put out by the Texas Conservative Coalition, This group has analyzed the new health care bill and has come up with some interesting information. The TXCC included talking points in their article: Most interesting is the fact that Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has joined other attorneys general in suing the federal government. The health care mandate may be unconstitutional because it requires individuals to purchase health insurance. The Constitution does not authorize the federal government to compel citizens to purchase a specific product. The health care mandate will drive up costs, without guaranteeing universal coverage. The TXCC also points out that the big government approach to providing universal health care has been tried and failed in Massachusetts and Maine. Also, increased spending on Medicaid in Texas will come at the expense of other priorities, such as transportation funding and property tax relief. The Texas Medicaid program is already one of the fastest growing parts of the state budget. For the past two decades Medicaid spending has increasd in real terms, while transportation infrastructure spending has declined. The Medicaid expansion will only divert more state resources away from other spending priorities including transportation, property tax relief, public education, and law enforcement.
This is a gloomy report for all Texans. We must work hard to elect Republicans all over the United States, but we want to work especially hard to keep our own Texas office holders in place! For a complete review check out the Texas Conservative Coalition website.
Donna Broder ~ VP, Programs
You will not want to miss the April meeting’s special speaker, SD-21 Committeewoman, Amy M. Clark. Mrs. Clark will be presenting her recent project “Empower the People (Squeaky Wheel)”, which she developed alongside fellow SREC member Rebecca Williamson, and Former TFRW President Toni Anne Dashiell. She will discuss the legislative process, and tips on how we can make the biggest impact by getting involved.
Mrs. Clark has served in a variety of positions at the grassroots level: first as a precinct chair, then as county chair, and now as a member of the State Republican Executive Committee (SREC). She also serves as the vice-chairman of the Wilson County Republican Party, campaign chair for the Wilson County Republican Women, and was a founding member of the Wilson County Young Republicans. Mrs. Clark served as SD-21 caucus secretary at the 2004 and 2006 state conventions, credentials committee at both the 2006 and 2008 state conventions, and the 2007 Presidential Straw Poll. She has been involved in varying degrees with numerous campaigns. Following her appointment to serve as SD-21 SREC Committeewoman in December 2007, Mrs. Clark was elected to her first full term in 2008, where she currently serves as chair of the Party Organization Committee of the SREC.
Ruth Law ~ VP, Campaign Activities
REMEMBER ~ to report your Campaign Hours! Use the chart with guidelines to help you keep track of your volunteer work. As you track your volunteer hours, turn in the information to Ruth Law. Click on the image to download a copy of the tracking form and guidelines.
By tracking these hours, our club can compete with other Republican Women clubs, showing the level of committment and involvement we have. We are all putting our time out there, so let’s keep track of it and be recognized!
The following was released on March 11th
AUSTIN, TEXAS — As the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) is meeting in Austin to consider revisions to public school curriculum standards, State Representative Betty Brown (R-Terrell) joined with other conservative state legislators in submitting written testimony from the Texas Conservative Coalition (TCC), the conservative caucus of the Texas Legislature.
Rep. Brown stated: “I am fighting to ensure that the Judeo-Christian heritage of the United States and Texas is taught to Texas public school students without being censored for political correctness.” She continued: “These revised curriculum standards will impact the education of the next generation of Texans, and they must be accurate.”
The TCC letter reads, in part:
We value a strong system of public education that prepares students to be productive citizens of Texas with a full and accurate understanding of the history that created present-day Texas and the United States. We urge that the TEKS continue to reflect the Judeo-Christian underpinnings of our nation and society; that America’s greatness not be undermined; and that history and historical figures continue to be taught to Texas public school students.
Rep. Brown concluded: “Our curriculum standards must remain strong, reflecting the historical roots of our nation and state, as well as the individuals whose intellect and efforts made America and Texas exceptional and unique.”
Representative Wayne Christian, representing the Texas Conservative Coalition, testified in front of the State Board of Education on March 12 and in his prepared remarks he cited the following changes that had been proposed:”
Proposed changes have included, among other things, removing references to “Christmas Day” from the textbooks, while including a Hindu holiday called “Diwali,” replacing the term “American” with “Global Citizen,” replacing “expansionism and free enterprise” with “imperialism and capitalism,” and removing all references to Daniel Boone, General George Patton, Nathan Hale, and Columbus Day.
Furthermore, in a letter to the Chairman of the State Board of Education, he wrote:
“There has also been much debate about the individuals who are named in TEKS drafts. For example, Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison, two great minds whose work changed the course of history and science, have been removed from TEKS draft revision, along with other historical figures.”
The Citizen’s Constitution: An Annotated Guide
Want to know what the Constitution actually says — and really means? Look no further than this annotated quick-reference guide.
By Seth Lipsky.
The Online Tax Revolt is open to every American who believes taxes and
spending are out of control, harmful to our country and a threat to our nation’s
future. Join other Americans as we march online from across the country to
Washington, DC and rally together on April 15!.