Next Meeting: Saturday – August 20, 2011
Please plan to attend this meeting. We will be selecting a nominating committee for appointing next year’s officers as well as organizing our awards projects. We must have a quorum to do this club business.
“TFRW Information”
Debra Harper
Senate District 2 TFRW District Director
It’s Hot Out There!
Jody Deller ~ Interim President
WOW, how hot is it? August is supposed to be the hottest month so get ready. Not only the weather is hot but the rhetoric in Washington is reaching the boiling point as well. The Debt Limit Deal seems to be a dud since S & P downgraded the US Credit Rating.
This next election cycle will give us the opportunity to elect a new President, U.S. Senator, U.S. Congressman, with the possibility of special elections for state officials if some decide to get into national races as well as various judges.
On the local front, September is the beginning of our local election cycle as well. This cycle is a small one for our county, our State Representative , District Judge 422nd, Sheriff, Tax Assessor-Collector, Commissioners 1 & 3 plus all the constables.
There have been several changes in the Election Law most importantly the filing deadlines. The first day to file is November 12 and the last day is December 12. Importantly, there will be an amendment on the November 8, 2011 ballot that if not passed will require an elected official to resign if they announce or file for an office over a year before their term expires.
Our speaker for August is our TFRW District Director Debra Harper. Ladies I know it is summer but please try to come to the meeting so we can conduct our business. We do need to appoint our nominating committee for our officers for next year.
Hope to see you soon.
Quick Legislative Update
Erleigh Wiley ~ VP, Legislation
The usual fiscal legislation was passed in this Texas Special Session that ended this June. The Session completed school finance and fiscal balancing bills for our state-wide budget.
SB 4, the redistricting bill was passed and signed, but probably headed to the Courts.
SB28/HB46 was a state-wide ban on smoking in bars, restaurants, and public places. They bill failed, but is a favorite of the smoking police. We will probably see this bill again in two years.
Two of the more noteworthy bills did not pass. SB 9/HB 9 bans and prevents sanctuary cities in Texas which would allow law enforcement to inquire about the immigration status of people……imagine an Officer allowed to do his job…….it didn’t pass. And finally, probably the most talked about at the end of the Special Session, HB 41, the “anti-groping” Bill. We are familiar with this Bill. Will the TSA at the airport be allowed to continue their practices? The answer is yes. The Bill did not pass. We will continue to be “familiar” with this Bill and the strangers at the airport that perform this task.
Suggested Resources
The Un-American American President (click to open the article)
By Jay Clarke
What is America’s True Form of Government?