January 2012 Newsletter



We held our Christmas Party at the beginning of December and as usual it was a great success. Lots of good food and great fellowship.  We even got the elected officials to lead our singing of Christmas Carols.

We also installed our 2012 Officers

President  – Janas Byrnes
1st Vice President – Barbara Jo Green – Programs
2nd Vice President – Pam Eggett – Legislation
3rd Vice President – Erleigh Wiley – Campaign Activities
4th Vice President – Jody Deller – Publicity
Secretary – Marilyn Rowden
PAC Tresurer  – Linda Adair

We voted at our January Meeting to sponsor four candidate forums, one in each of the four commissioner precincts.  This will give the candidates an opportunity to give their campaign speeches as well as answer questions from the public. The schedule of these forums can be found on our calendar.


President Janas Byrnes and myself, VP Jody Deller,  attended the TFRW leadership camp in Austin on February 3 and 4.

On Friday evening, we attended a reception, where Karen Hughes, former Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs and counselor to former President George W. Bush from 2001-2002, was the keynote speaker.


On Saturday, workshops were the order of the day, but prior to going into the workshops we heard a great rallying speech by  Republican Party of Texas Chairman Steve Munisteri.  He urged all of us to become members of the Grassroots Club to support the State Party.

Workshop subjects included a workshop for newly elected presidents, club activities and club growth.  We learned some great new ideas, so get ready ladies. We then had lunch and heard from the chairman of Victory 2012, Judge Ed Emmett, Harris County Judge. Judge Emmett spoke of unity in the party.  We are all in this together, forget RINO’s and one issue politics.  Our focus needs to be on beating Barack Obama in November.