Next Meeting: JUNE 19, 2010
Our scheduled speaker will be unable to attend, but there will be many other things to cover! Come ready to turn in your volunteer hours!
Congressman Jeb Hensarling nominated Jessica Nixon to represent the 5th District at the Second Annual RNC Women’s Summit on May 13. The summit was held at the J.W. Marriott. Nixon, along with the four other women nominated by Hensarling (Jane Howell, Glonda Mooney and Jill Dutton) were chosen because of their community activity for the Republican party.
“It was a great experience,” Nixon says. “I learned many new things that will help mobilize people in our community to be a part of the political process.”
The 2010 RNC Women’s Summit welcomed women from across the country that were nominated by RNC Members or Republican elected officials in their states. The Summit featured prominent Republican elected officials, media personalities and policy experts as well as hands-on training and interactive workshops.
Nixon is actively involved in the Kaufman GOP and is an officer on the KCRW Board. Our club provided funds to sponsor her trip to DC and help defray the cost of travel. She expresses sincere “thanks” to Congressman Hensarling and KCRW for allowing her to represent them among the highly motivated women in the National GOP organization.
Jody Deller ~ President
Summer is here! It is getting hot outside and things are getting heated for the upcoming State Republican Convention. By the time you read this, the convention will be over, we will have elected our State Party Chair and Co-Chair and our State Republican Committeewoman and Committeeman. Our ladies that we honored for the Tribute to Women Brunch have received their awards as well. Another milestone, and we begin to look forward to our summer activities.
I want to thank, Joyce and David Lewis, Donna Broder, Donna Davis, Elise Chitty and Jim Deller for coming to help put out flags for Memorial Day. Most of the same group plus Pam Eggett helped pick them up on Monday. They looked great!!!! Thanks again to all of you.
We will hear Collin McLochlin from Senator Cornyn’s office at our June 19th meeting and we have a GOTV program in Rockwall coming up. Several of our members will be going to see Sarah Palin in Tyler and we will report back.
If you would like to volunteer to put out flags on the Friday evening before the 4th of July, let me know. I think everything we do to show how great we think this country is going to be noticed in our little corner of the world. Hope you all have a great summer and we’ll see you on the 19th.
And as a final note: Can you believe our illustrious President did not even make any remarks to the Brave Veterans of D-Day on June 6. No recognition, no respect.
Donna Davis ~ Americanism
Flag Day is June 14th. It commemorates the Adoption of the flag of the United States, which happened that day by resolution of the Second Continental Congress in 1777.
Inspired by three decades of state and local celebrations, Flag Day was officially established by the Proclamation of President Woodrow Wilson on May 30th, 1916. While Flag Day was celebrated in various communities for years after Wilson’s proclamation, it was not until August 3rd, 1949, that President Truman signed an Act of Congress designating June 14th of each year as National Flag Day. Although Flag Day is not an official Federal holiday, it is the perfect day to proudly display the American Flag.
Joyce Lewis ~ VP, Legislation
Heads up to a looming financial crisis in the Texas state budget. Texas is facing an $18 billion shortfall next year. House Appropriations Committee Chairman Jim Pitts, from Waxahachie, has suggested it is time for law makers to re-examine gambling. Voters have consistently rejected more gambling in Texas, but it is thought that some legislators might be open to allowing video slot machines at racetracks. The idea behind this is it means gambling is not available at more sites than are already available.
Any new gambling would require a constitutional amendment, which can take effect only if 2/3 of the House and Senate sign off and a majority of voters approve it in a statewide election. If that threshold can be met, the measure would by-pass the governor, who has said he is against adding any more gambling to the state.
Taken from Representative Brown’s “Austin Update”
Proposal puts successful health care program at risk. Representative Brown along with other members of the Rural Caucus joined together to oppose this proposal. The following was provided by the Texas Association of Business.
Austin – The Texas Association of Business (TAB) and the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) joined Rep. Warren Chisum (R-Pampa), Chair of the House Rural Caucus, to voice opposition to the proposal before the current Texas Board of Medical Examiners requiring a patient who receives a telemedicine consultation to see a physician within 72-hours. The rule would cripple telemedicine and its benefit to those in underserved areas.
“Telemedicine has enabled access to health care for families who would ordinarily have to drive for hours on end to receive a simple diagnosis,” said TAB President Bill Hammond. “The so-called ‘72-hour rule’ would place a burden on areas and families already struggling to access health care. In addition, once the federal health care law is implemented, telemedicine will be more important than ever in alleviating the strain on our state’s medical resources.”
“Any incursion on the success of telemedicine sends a signal that free-market medical innovations are discouraged,” said TPPF Executive Director Arlene Wohlgemuth. “This decision should be in the hands of doctors and patients, not Austin bureaucrats.”
“For rural Texas, requiring patients to make an in-person visit to a doctor within 72 hours is often not feasible,” said Rep. Warren Chisum. “Telemedicine enables countless Texans the ability to access quality health care. Doctors have the ability to request an in-person visit with the patient should their medical training deem it necessary, superseding their medical judgment by rule is unnecessary and intrusive. Laws and rules should be focused on encouraging innovation in this growing market to provide safe, accessible healthcare options for rural Texans.”
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In a series of powerful essays, Levin lays out how conservatives can counter the tyrannical liberal corrosion that has filtered into every timely issue affecting our daily lives, from the economy to health care, global warming to immigration, and more.
By Mark R. Levin A website committed to the idea that only an
understanding of the principles upon which our government was
founded can we recognize Constitutional abuses and be able to
step up and stop that abuse.