March 2011 • Volume 3 • Issue 3

Next Meeting: Saturday – April 16, 2011

“Texas Border Patrol: South Texas Operations”

Texas Border Patrol Volunteers
Previously featured in National Geographic Channel’s “Border Wars”
Click here for more information

Get Those Grassroots Growing!

Donna Broder ~ President
Spring is here and KCRW grassroots is in full bloom. It’s time to dust off the tools, put on the work clothes, and start planting the seed to produce a bountiful harvest of grassroots workers for 2012. April and May will catapult us into a busy and exciting pre-election stretch.

The Texas Border Patrol Volunteers will be giving a presentation to our members at the April 16th meeting. They will share information about the assistance they give law enforcement, and the work they do along our Texas border.

As a community project, members are participating in the Kaufman Relay for Life on April 29th. This gives us an opportunity to show our support for the community, as well as support for fighting cancer.

We also have our annual potato supper fundraiser on May 6th at Cedar Mountain Lodge. This will be an exciting event, full of entertainment, food and fun. There will be a silent and live auction. Members, please start gathering items for the silent auction. We would like to have two items from each member. If you already have your items, please bring them to the April 16th meeting.

This year has started off in simmer mode, but now we’re off and running. Don’t get left behind! Join us for the fun!

An explanation of the fiscal direction we are going…


Our Inalienable Rights

Linda Adair ~ Americanism

America’s guiding principle is individualism. This means that the power of our government is limited by the inalienable rights of its citizens and may not make laws that violate these rights. These rights are a birthright and are the unconditional, private, personal, individual possession of each person. These rights are ours without our government’s permission, because a right that exists only because law permits it can be revoked at anytime. Finally, the rights of one person does not and must not violate the rights of another.

The Declaration Of Independence lists our inalienable rights as Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. The Right to Life means a person cannot be deprived of his life for the benefit of someone else. What forbids murder is the inalienable right of another person to live. The Right of Liberty means we have the right to individual initiative, choice, action and property. We have a right to be free and have no right to expect or demand any action from others, except through their own free choice and consent. The Pursuit of Happiness is a person’s right to live for himself and find his own private, personal, individual happiness and work for its achievement as long as the rights of others are respected.

The only proper function of our government is to protect these rights and protect us from forces that wish to take them from us.


March Minutes

Click here for the minutes from our March meeting.