March Newsletter

President’s Message

Rhonda Hughey
bluebonnets 2March is here, the windy month, I am sure everyone is aware of the wind.  We  have experienced the time change, and on the 21st spring equinox will be upon us and the bluebonnets will be in full bloom before long.

What didn’t happen was the collapse of this country due to the sequester.  A $1.5 trillion dollar cut to the budget over ten years.  And depending on who you listen to it is either catastrophic or not.  When the budget is done each year, there are automatic 5-8% increases every year.  So if you eliminate 2.4% in sequester, do math the budget still goes up 2.6-7.6% and we will still spend more money.  So technically, it is not a cut, but any decrease in the projected spending amount is considered a cut in Washington.

We also celebrated the 177th anniversary of Texas Independence on March 2 , on  March 6, the battle of the Alamo was lost and becomes the rallying cry for the continued struggle.

Spring is a time of renewal.  As we begin to see the buds on the trees, the grass turn green and then there are the weeds.  We need to focus on the things that we have the power to change and work to change the things we can.