Our October meeting will be on Monday, October 8, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. at Alfredo’s Steakhouse, 111 E Hwy 80, in Forney.
The main order of business will be the election of officers for the 2018-2019 year.
At the September meeting a slate of officers was presented by the nominating committee in accordance with Article VIII, Section 1 of our Bylaws.
Those nominees are:
President – Sandra Wilson
1st Vice President Programs – Tracy Gray
2nd Vice President Legislation – Debi Rogers
3rd Vice President Campaign Activities – Devon Murphy
4th Vice President Publicity – Bailey Smith
Secretary – Brenda Samples
PAC Treasurer – Monica Beavers
We will be voting on these nominees, and nominations will be taken from the floor.
Hope to see you there.