President Erleigh Wiley with Judge Johnson at Membership Luncheon
I just want to say welcome to all of the newest members of Kaufman County Republican Woman. We have had an exciting number of new members join this month. It is very exciting to be witnessing such growth and interest in our amazing club. With numbers we can really have a strong voice and presence in Kaufman County.
Saturday’s tea and luncheon at Especially for You was a great success. The room was full of electricity and laughter. Dallas’ DA, Faith Johnson’s testimony was beautifully delivered and such a blessing to have heard. We are very appreciative of her sharing her time and her story with us. As she explained her first 40 days have been filled with meetings and opportunities to meet new people and to share her vison for the city of Dallas. Thank you again Ms. Johnson for lending us your time and giving us the opportunity to be a part of your day.
I recently received an email from our TFRW president, Theresa Komoski, explaining about an organization being formed whose mission is to resist the Trump agenda. The group is calling itself “the invisibles” and their goal is to disrupt Republican gatherings. Other names they are going under are: Snowflake coalition, NOW, The Resistance, Pantsuit Republic, etc. I am letting you know this because if for some reason they infiltrate to Kaufman County we will be aware of their existence. With our meetings being closed to members and invitees alone we are not required to let them join us. We have to be vigilant to protect what President Trump is working diligently to protect.
Our next meeting is scheduled on our normal 3rd. Saturday of the month at Farm bureau. Guest speakers will be Kaufman County Law enforcers. This will be the first meeting in our educational series on Kaufman County Government and Officials. Please try to attend and bring a guest. Look forward to seeing you then.
Sandra Wilson
Membership Chair