On February the 17th we will have our second and final meet and greet with our local candidates and those who
are running in the 5th court of appeals. January was very informative and enlightening with the first round of
candidates. These meetings are invaluable to the Republican Woman’s organization. It is our personal time to
get to know these individuals who are so willing to put themselves in the public eye and serve this county. I en-
courage each of you to attend this Saturday.
The executive committee has had an opportunity to meet and plan a calendar of events.
During that meeting we have posed the idea for our March membership tea. On March 24th., a week later than
our usually scheduled meeting due to Spring Break, we will come to a new location in Crandall. The Crandall
Golf Course is under new management and they have a newly remodeled meeting room that we feel will be an
exciting place to hold our Membership tea. The room is new and fresh and has the capacity to hold over 100
people. I will give you more information at the upcoming meeting. I would like for every member to make a
personal list of friends/family members who you think would enjoy being a member of KCRW. Again, I en-
courage each member to help grow our club to be the best club in Texas.
If you have not paid your membership dues for 2018 please come prepared to do so.
There are many more exciting meetings planned for the 2018 calendar and I will be anxious to share those this
Look forward to seeing you all there,
VP Programs/Membership