Next Meeting: Saturday – September 17, 2011
“Legislative Update”
State Representative Lance Gooden
Gearing Up
Jody Deller ~ Interim President
KCRW is gearing up for a busy election cycle. Even though we don’t know who our local candidates will be, several people have expressed interest in different offices and some have even made their official announcements. Every day I get a piece of mail from those interested in running for one of the statewide offices. The race for the Senate seat being vacated by Kay Bailey Hutchison will also be interesting. And of course the fact that our Governor Rick Perry is a candidate for President.
The ten year anniversary of September 11 has come and gone. Our club put out 300 flags to honor those who died on that day. We all need to make sure we never forget what happened on that day, keep the families and first responders who are still suffering some sort of trial from the ordeal.
Veterans Day is coming up in November, a time to honor our veterans. And Lord knows we owe our veterans a debt we can never repay. Our year is almost over, new club officers will be elected and we will attend the TFRW convention in November in Ft. Worth. I have been honored to serve as your president and know that whoever is elected will carry on the mission that we have always had, “to promote good government in Kaufman County”
Quick Legislative Update
Erleigh Wiley ~ VP, Legislation
Texas Supreme Court approved amendments to Rule 103 and 536(a) of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedures, which governs certification of process servers in the State of Texas. As part of the amendment, the Court also established a Process Server Review Board. Our own, Rhonda Hughey has been appointed to serve on this Board at the direction of Representative Lance Gooden. Kudos to Rhonda!
Participate in the Community!
Oct 22nd marks the date of the Scarecrow Festival. Kaufman County Republican Women will be participating in the parade. We have a replica of a 1901 Oldsmobile, with an attached wagon. It will pull in tow a wooden elephant in the wagon. Also, KCRW will have a booth. The booth will serve as a hub for information with opportunities to register to vote. It will also be a greeting opportunity for the citizens in our community to meet women in our organization as we hand out free United States Constitutions. Be sure to volunteer to help! We will have sign up sheets for time slots to fill.
Join Us!
Janas Byrnes ~ Membership
Look for our upcoming ads to show up on Facebook! We will be working on building up participation and membership through social networking! We are on Twitter too! Spread the word and promote our club!

Veterans Day
Linda Adair ~ Americanism
Oct 22nd marks the date of the Scarecrow Festival. Kaufman County Republican Women will be participating in the parade. We have a replica of a 1901 Oldsmobile, with an attached wagon. It will pull in tow a wooden elephant in the wagon. Also, KCRW will have a booth. The booth will serve as a hub for information with opportunities to register to vote. It will also be a greeting opportunity for the citizens in our community to meet women in our organization as we hand out free United States Constitutions. Be sure to volunteer to help! We will have sign up sheets for time slots to fill.
KCRW Recipes
Nancy Murphy ~ Hospitatlity
This is a yummy recipe and I have used it for years. It came out of The Trinity Family Cookbook (1980).
Coffee Cake
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup white sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 cups flour
½ cup butter
1 cup buttermilk
1 teaspoon soda
2 eggs beaten an 1 ½ cups chopped pecans
Mix first 5 ingredients and reserve 1 cup for topping. To the remaining mix, stir in the buttermilk, soda, eggs, and pecans. Pour into a 9×13 greased pan. Sprinkle saved topping on top of batter and bake at 350˚ until done (about 25 to 30 minutes). Quick and good. Can freeze.
Dr. Bruce Wood, Kaufman County Judge
Kaufman County began the current 2010-2011 budget year with a $1.6 million deficit in the fund balance of the County. Due to the efforts of many people I believe that deficit will now be eliminated and we should enter the new 2011-2012 budget year in the black. This was a true “team effort” with employees, elected officials, department heads, and others helping us become financially stable. Much work still needs to be done in the future years ahead, but we are well on the road to financial wellness.
It has been my great pleasure over the past eight months to work with some very fine individuals who truly have the best interest of Kaufman County in mind. Several of these folks have stepped forward with ideas on how the county can save money and many of those suggestions have been implemented.
I am proud of our County and it’s future. Kaufman County now has a population of 103,850 as of the last census data and we were listed as the 9th fastest growing County in the State during the last year. Even with a slow economy, we are continuing to grow, just at a slower rate.
It is my very great honor and priviledge to serve as Kaufman County Judge. Please call on me at any time if I can be of assistance.
Suggested Resources
The Way to Wealth: Advice, Hints, and Tips on Business, Money and Finance
By Benjamin Franklin
“Most of the financial advice offered these days amounts to one version or another of how to “get rich quick” — how to get the most money for the least amount of work. It’s no surprise that people who fall for this kind of nonsense end up jumping from one money-making scheme to the next, wondering why nothing ever works. But the real principles of how to build wealth — thrift, hard work, and perseverance — are timeless, and no one understood or expressed them better than America’s most money-wise Founder, Benjamin Franklin. Now, The Way to Wealth: Advice, Hints, and Tips on Business, Money and Finance brings to together all of Franklin’s writings on how to make money, start a business, and save for the future.”
~ Conservative Book Club