President's Message

Welcome back. It’s hard to believe that summer break is coming to an end. It’s August: vacations are ending, school is starting back, and the Republican women are back in full-swing. 

This fall is a busy campaign season in Kaufman county, as many of our county and state offices are up for election in 2018. We are kicking off with our own fundraiser on 9-9-17. It will include: “meet and greet” the candidates, food, and lots of Bunco fun.  Looking for volunteers for our fundraiser event. Let’s make this night a success for our club! 

Our next meeting will be on 8-19-17 at Farm Bureau. We gather at 9:30 a.m. Meeting begins at 10 a.m. Our guest will be our State Representative, the Hon. Lance Gooden. 

Erleigh N. Wiley
