By Monica B.
September 11th, 2001 is a day all Americans will never forget. It was on this day that our country came under attack, and we realized how vulnerable we were and just how evil others can be. Most of us even remember exactly where we were and how we felt when we heard the news of the terrorist attacks. On this day, our fellow citizens showed exactly what Americanism embodied by mourning as a nation and recovering as a nation. As a result of these attacks 2,996 people were killed and more than 6,000 injured. These attacks were the deadliest terrorist acts in world history.
We all know the details of the terrorist attacks: the two planes that crashed into The World Trade Center, the plane that crashed into The Pentagon, and the plane that crashed into a Pennsylvania field after brave Americans changed the course of what would have been a third mass causality attack. What you might not realize is that high school students graduating this year will be the last young adults that were alive when our country came under attack. Within a few decades, September 11, 2001 will be just another chapter in history books. It is important as Republican Women and just as American citizens that we honor our fallen heroes and continue to educate young adults about what happened in our country those dreadful days. Instead of complaining about the inconvenience, remember there is a reason for those long lines at the airport and all the extra security precautions we all encounter now. Remember the countless number of people who continue to be affected by these attacks. The first responders and others who were at ground zero are now suffering from illnesses related to the aftermath of these attacks. Remember the families who feel the loss of their loved ones every day. Remember the unsung heroes of our great nation.