
February 2019 News


Deborah Bonner

1st Vice President

Joy Weaver

2nd Vice President
Campaign Activities

Devon Carvell

3rd Vice President

Erleigh Wiley

4th Vice President

Kalena Barber

Lori Crow

Treasurer of the PAC
Monica Beavers

Amy Tarno


Nancy Crow

Next Meeting

Monday, December 9, 2024
Kaufman County Library at 6:00pm

3790 S. Houston Street | Kaufman, Texas 75142

Sandra Wilson

President's Message

It was encouraging to see so many members at our first meeting in January. I am looking forward to seeing you all again and to those who were not able to attend, we welcome you back.

It is time to get moving at KCRW. There are so many exciting things going on and I know you will want to be a part of the excitement.

At our first meeting I suggested that we adopt some community service projects filling our Caring for America responsibility.  Everyone seemed very excited to reach out into the community and do some service. At that time we decided to look into how we could be of help to our local/area, meals on wheels along with helping with CAC, children’s advocacy center. Here we could help to make the transition back into a home for a child easier by creating a new environment from one they left. With this being said, I would like to thank Trina Lopez for accepting the position as the chairperson for our Caring for America projects. With Trina organizing our projects she will be calling and getting us out into the county, be ready to say yes when she calls.

The month of March will quickly approach where we will host our membership tea. Be ready to invite your besties…Location and date TBA…

TFRW Legislation Day will be soon approaching so I want to share those dates with you. On April 24-25 Republican Woman will convene to Austin from all over the state. I would like to see as many that can come to Legislation day and represent Kaufman during this time. On April 24th there will be a meet and greet event from 6-10 p.m. called Bells and Boots. This is a social gathering where we can connect with other club members and exchange ideas and get to know our Republican sisters. On the 25th there will be group training sessions from 8-4:00 where we will receive training and information on Legislation and events that will be important to our state for 2019. We will also be able to tour the capitol and see our newly elected State Representative, Keith Bell. So, mark your calendars and let’s go to Austin.

Our next meeting is set for Monday, February 11th. We will continue to meet at the Kaufman County Library at 6:30 where dinner will be served. I am looking forward to seeing everyone that evening. Our guest speaker will be our newly elected County Judge, Honorable Hal Richards.

See you then,

Sandra Wilson

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”     -John Quincy Adams

Caring for America

Hello members!

I am honored to take the position as the chairperson for our newest project, Caring for America. This program will give us the opportunity to serve in our community in a variety of ways that are not necessarily political. We are currently looking at 2 volunteer opportunities with the Children Advocacy Center and Meal on Wheels. Please let me know if you would like to be a committee member.

Thank you,

Trina Lopez.