In just 52 days we all will be casting our vote to “Bring Back the American Dream”; to “Take Our Country Back”; to allow us to “Continue to live in the Greatest Nation in the World”. I believe we have the power to do this if we work everyday from now until
7:00 PM on November 6th to get the message to our friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, fellow church members, our nail lady, our hairdresser, the people in the elevator, and in the grocery store line, etc. how important their vote will be on this historic day.
I’ll share some interesting information from the Introduction of Ladies, Can We Talk? by Debora Georgatos:
Women vote in higher percentages than men, especially in presidential elections.
We make up over half of the U.S. adult population. We literally have the ballot box
power to shape America’s future for generations to come.
Women are increasingly powerful in America in other ways too. We now constitute the majority of graduates in many high schools, colleges, and even many law schools, and other graduate schools. Women are emerging as leaders in many segments of American society, more than ever before in our nation’s history.
Politicians know this. That is why politicians and political parties tailor messages designed to win the “women’s vote”.
Now, as you know, our club does not have a Federal PAC, which keeps us from doing this work in the name of our club, however, as Republican Women we are respected in our communities because we are informed and we can get together as individuals and make an tremendous impact. The information we received from Rachel Woods last month has started our momentum, and we will have more ideas that we will put into place this month from our exciting speaker from the RPT.
I believe we can do it. Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work, just as we have always done. Thank you for what you do to insure we have good government.
Janas Byrnes