November Newsletter

President’s Message

Rhonda Hughey

We had our last meeting of the year on Monday, October 21.  At that meeting we elected our new officers for the 2014 year.  The by-laws require that there be  nominations from the floor.  We voted on each individual office and there were no nominations.  The slate presented by the nominating committee were all elected.  Congratulations to the new officers: President – Jody Deller, First VP Programs – Pam Eggett, Second VP Legislation – Barbara Jo Green, Third VP Campaign Activities Campaign Activities – The Honorable Tonya, Fourth VP Publicity – open, Secretary- Deedra Evans, Treasurer of the Pac – Janas Byrnes.  

I want to thank KCRW, for giving me the opportunity, to serve as your President.  I have learned a lot and know that moving forward, I know I can put all I have learned to good use.

We are planning our annual Christmas Party, invitations will be going out soon.  The date chosen is Sunday, December 8.  Our District Director Melanie Grammar will be installing our new officers.

Again, thank you for allowing me to serve as your President.

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